Editors Note


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From the Editor



Three years ago, The Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions was started as an attempt to bridge widely scattered evidence and ideas on the frontline of mind-matter research. Our journey so far has been a challenging and exhilarating one, made even more rewarding by our readers' sustained interest in the subject.

However, as many before us we soon found ourselves deep into the quicksand of theoretical speculation, clinging to sparse evidence and ultimately sketching a map of reality that was not only replete with terrae incognitae but also, like the cartographies of old, with the mythical beasts of our philosophical prejudices.

It is decidedly time to take a step back and humbly admit that we simply do not have enough information before us to draw a meaningful map. But such humility, under ideal circumstances, hides a great resolve: a stubborn, patient, self-critical enterprise of direct experimentation which slowly uncovers new stepping stones in our theoretical path. It is the approach, fortunately, that was taken by Ed Chouinard throughout his life, and as the papers that follow can attest, one which enriches us all, regardless of philosophical biases.

It is in recognition of that rare courage and aptitude that we dedicate this issue of the JNL to Ed Chouinard. To our deep regret, Ed passed away within days of submitting these papers to us - yet such was his strength and enthusiasm that none of us could have guessed, at the time of our communication, the personal struggles he was going through.

Ed's work marks areas deep into the uncharted territory of consciousness-matter interactions, and we are proud to join our efforts to his, in this new phase of our exploration. As modest as the results of our studies may be, we hope that they encourage further grass-roots experimentation and write-ups. Unlike other physical sciences, the development of this field of knowledge is entirely within the grasp of our daily experience - as immediately accessible as it is inconspicuous, as fundamental to our existence as it is mysterious. And unlike other physical sciences, the impetus for a new understanding of these phenomena is unlikely to come from the well-funded establishment, because its benefits pave the way to a democratization of power, an individual liberation that would require a reorganization of our goals as a society. With that in mind, we'd like to extend a warm Thanks to all our past and future contributors - and have a great journey, Ed!